Our Fee Policy

Welcome to the Best Boarding School in India with Fees! At our school, we strive to provide our students with the best possible education and a nurturing environment that fosters growth, independence, and curiosity. Our school’s fee policy is designed to be fair, transparent, and reasonable. We want to ensure that every student and parent is well-informed about the fees they will be required to pay so that there are no surprises or hidden costs.

Understanding Our Imprest Account System

At our Best Coed Boarding School, we have an imprest account for every student, which is maintained to cater to all expenses incurred on books/stationery, toiletries, tuck-shop, laundry, general stores, general traveling, sports, tours, and treks, outdoor trips to participate in scholastics and co-scholastics activities, and medical expenses. The balance in the imprest account is carried forward to the next year, and the parents are provided with a statement of accounts. We understand that it can be challenging for parents to keep track of all the expenses their child incurs while at school, which is why we have implemented this system to ensure transparency and accountability.

Paying the Boarding Fee

For all students, the total Boarding fee is to be paid in two equal installments. For existing students, the first installment is to be paid on or before 10 April, and the second on or before 10 October. For new students, the total Boarding fee is also payable in two installments; the first at the time of admission and the second on or before 10th October of every year. The school has the authority to strike off the name of a student who fails to deposit the fee within the stipulated period. We understand that this may seem like a strict policy, but it is necessary to ensure that we can continue to provide our students with the best possible education.

It is essential to note that the fee for the full term will be charged even if a student joins late, leaves early, or is absent during a part of the session. We have a set curriculum and timeline that we follow, and we cannot make exceptions for individual students.

Late Fee Payment

We also understand that sometimes, parents may miss the deadline for fee payment. In such cases, the fee may be accepted with a fine of Rs. 100/- (rupees one hundred only) per day until the next 15 days after the due date. Thereafter, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls of the school. However, the student may be re-admitted after receiving a re-admission fee of Rs. 10,000/- (rupees ten thousand only) but at the discretion of the Principal, for which a written request from the parent/guardian will be necessary. In case the fee is not paid within one month of the due date the students may be sent home to their parents at the latter’s expense.

Extra Fees for Horse Riding/Shooting

For those who are opting for Horse Riding/Shooting, an additional amount of Rs. 10000/- (rupees ten thousand only) per annum each will be charged separately. We understand that some of our students may have a specific interest or talent, and we want to support them in pursuing their passions while at school.

Family (Sibling) Discount

We also offer a 10% waiver on the Boarding fee to junior siblings. We understand that having multiple children in boarding schools can be a significant financial burden, and we want to support families in ensuring that all their children have access to quality education.

No separate communication in connection with the scheduled payment of the fee installment of the ward will be sent to the parent/guardian. We have made the fee schedule available on our website, and parents can refer to it to ensure they do not miss any deadlines.

It is important to note that the fee once deposited will in no case be refunded. We invest a lot of resources in providing our students with the best possible education, and we rely on the timely payment of fees to support our operations. We encourage parents to carefully consider their financial situation before enrolling their child in our school and to plan accordingly to ensure that they can meet their financial obligations.

In conclusion, we believe that our fee policy is fair, transparent, and reasonable. We want to ensure that every student has access to the best possible education, regardless of their financial situation. If you have any questions or concerns about our fee policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help and support our students and their families. Thank you for considering our school, and we look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Know More For Admission