Co-Scholastics @ BPSK

English: The Lingua-Franca

Good command over languages plays an important role towards developing good communication skills. English, being the global language, enables a person to be more competitive. Keeping the enrichment of English language skills in mind, it is compulsory to communicate in English at all levels at BPSK. The aim is all about improving the English language of the students by giving them optimum opportunities to communicate, interact and express themselves under the supervision and guidance of their language teachers. Many innovative approaches are adopted to inculcate the best of English learning in the students. The Language Lab effectively adds in enriching the linguistic competencies of the students.

Trips & Excursions

Trips and excursions are a regular part of the school routine. Children are taken to various places nearby and far away from school. These trips help children to inculcate social responsibility skills and knowledge about the rich culture of our country. Local excursions are generally held two times in a month, while long tours are provisioned at least once in a year, i.e in Winters and in Summers. During these trips, emphasis is laid on providing exposure to our rich heritage along with entertainment

Etalage-unleashing the real self

Depending on choice and inherent talent, BISK encourages all students to participate in competitions spanning across a large variety of activities to unleash their hidden talents and discover their competencies. The students look forward to showcasing their talents through these contests. Some of the competitions held regularly are English and Hindi declamation, Hindi and English Skits, Mathematics and ITQuiz programmes, Rangoli making and Mehndi designing, Calligraphy among others.

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